Kim Laboratory
Cancer is a highly complex disease and requires an understanding at the molecular, cellular, and organism level. Kim lab applies systematic approaches to better understand major cellular circuitries that govern cancer initiation, progression, and maintenance and to investigate the most effective ways to disrupt them. Our primary research goals are to identify the optimal cancer prevention and intervention strategies based on highly integrated and systematic approaches and to contribute to bridging the gap between cancer biology and data sciences towards realizing precision cancer medicine.
Select Publications
- Hahn WC, Bader JS, Braun TP, Califano A, Clemons PA, Druker BJ, Ewald AJ, Fu H, Jagu S, Kemp CJ, Kim W, Kuo CJ, McManus M, B Mills G, Mo X, Sahni N, Schreiber SL, Talamas JA, Tamayo P, Tyner JW, Wagner BK, Weiss WA, Gerhard DS. An expanded universe of cancer targets. (2021) Cell. Mar 04; 184(5):1142-1155.
- Kim JW*, Berrios C*, Kim M*, Schade AE*, Adelmant G, Yeerna H, Damato E, Iniguez AB, Florens L, Washburn MP, Stegmaier K, Gray NS, Tamayo P, Gjoerup O, Marto JA, DeCaprio J*, Hahn WC*. STRIPAK directs PP2A activity toward MAP4K4 to promote oncogenic transformation of human cells. Elife. 2020 Jan 8;9:e53003.doi: 10.7554/eLife.53003.
- Cañadas I, Thummalapalli R, Kim JW, Kitajima S, Jenkins RW, Christensen CL, Campisi M, Kuang Y, Zhang Y, Gjini E, Zhang G, Tian T, Sen DR, Miao D, Imamura Y, Thai T, Piel B, Terai H, Aref AR, Hagan T, Koyama S, Watanabe M, Baba H, Adeni AE, Lydon CA, Tamayo P, Wei Z, Herlyn M, Barbie TU, Uppaluri R, Sholl LM, Sicinska E, Sands J, Rodig S, Wong KK, Paweletz CP, Watanabe H, Barbie DA. Tumor innate immunity primed by specific interferon-stimulated endogenous retroviruses. Nature medicine. 2018; 24(8):1143-1150
- Kim JW, Abudayyeh OO, Yeang CH, Stewart M, Jenkins RW, Kitajima S, Konieczkowski DJ, Van Allen EM, Cohen O, Mcdermott J, Damato E, Aguirre AJ, Liang J, Liberzon A, Alexe G, Doench J, Ghandi M, Vazquez F, Weir BA, Tsherniak A, Subramanian A, Clemons P, Garraway LA, Thomas D, Boehm JS, Barbie DA, Hahn WC, Mesirov JP, Tamayo P. Decomposing Oncogenic Transcriptional Signatures to Generate Maps of Divergent Cellular States. (2017) Cell Systems. Aug 23;5(2):105-118.e9. doi: 10.1016.
- Kim JW*, Botvinnik OB*, Abudayyeh OA, Birger C, Rosenbluh J, Shrestha Y, Abazeed M, Hammerman PS, Abudayyeh O, DiCara D, Konieczkowski DJ, Johannessen C, Alizad-Rahvar AR, Alexe G, Aguirre A, Ghandi M, Greulich H, Vazquez F, Weir BA, Van Allen EM, Liberzon A, Tsherniak A, Shao DD, Zack TI, Noble M, Getz G, Beroukhim R, Garraway LA, Ardakani M, Romualdi C, Sales G, Barbie DA, Boehm J, Hahn WC, Mesirov JS and Tamayo P. (2016). Characterizing genomic alterations in cancer by complementary functional associations. Nature Biotechnology. 10.1038/nbt.3527.
UC San Diego Center for Novel Therapeutics, 9310 Athena Circle, Room 3140, La Jolla, CA 92037